A Mysore setting is a little different from many other classes. It is asked that students do their best to follow these guidelines so the Mysore room runs smoothly, the students don't harm themselves or others, the students don't feel embaressed they did something "wrong" and to respect both the teacher and other practitioners. Thankyou!
Please turn off all phones and mobile devices and keep them in your bag, to avoid distraction. Phones are not allowed to be next to mats.
Don't bring your water bottles next to your mat, it is advised not to drink for half an hour before practice and not to eat at least two hours before. It is advised to have an empty stomach, and in fact many practitioners prefer to have their last meal 12 hours before)
Please respect the Shala and space around. for example keep wet things like uberellas and wet jackets and all shoes outside.
Please wash before practice. The Shala is a sacred place and the practice is also sacred. One of the Yamas () is Saucha, which can b translated as cleanliness...both inside and outside. It is also good practice to be considerate of those around you
Please bring a mat to practice. Most people also find it very useful to bring both a towel to practice and a yoga rug to go ontop of your mat as this is a very sweaty practice and can also get very slippery without.
Please be considerate of other students in the room. Try and be aware in which direction you are kicking and if your feet are going to land in someone else's face. Also consider for example, when you enter the room and put down your mat, the way in which you do so, what energy is this creating on the group?
Please try not to make too much noise when in the Shala. Information between the student and the teacher will obviously be shared but we must all try and be considerate not to disturb the concentration and focused energy in the room.
Please listen to the teacher and stop where she tells you. If she is busy with another student, please be patient, she will come to you! Try and keep your concentration internalised.
Don't ask for the next posture. You will be moved when the teacher feels you are ready. It is better to go slowly and learn the valuable lessons of each asana and to let the body gain the flexibility and strength to sustain the practice daily. There are many considerations to take in such as stability in the student, breath, focus and is the student really able to maintain everything in their practice up to this point on a daily level! Patience may also need to be learnt.
No cheat sheets in the Shala. If need be the teacher is your human sized cheat sheet, any questions or confusion can be directed to her. The practice is also for the mind, and we train the mind to remember the sequence so eventually the practice comes to us without thinking and by repeating the same practice every day we start to have a moving meditation, where we can observe ourselves as if under a close microscope!